LANEF supports the organisation of EASI School2 , an Autumn school organized by the european network H2020-MSCA-ITN-EASITrain.
This school offers an original training on cryogenic applications with a large industry exposure alternating lectures and visits.
Labex participants interested by cryogenics (young researchers, PhD students, post-docs) are warmly welcome to attend the 2/3 days of this school which will take place in Grenoble.
Specific training sessions (in English) on space applications, instrumentation, large-scale refrigeration.
Visits of academic and industrial laboratories such as EMFL-LNCMI, Air Liquide, CEA labs in Grenoble.
You will have to select LOC-Grenoble as the registration type and specify the days you wish to attend by selecting the appropriate arrival and departure dates.
October, 2nd : ESRF/EMFL-LNCMI visits (20 people max, register before September 16th in this case)
October 3rd and 4th: at the MINATEC center in Grenoble (preliminary program).
Only the registration to the banquet is subject to a registration fee.