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Since its creation in 2011, LANEF has succeeded to implement an efficient strategy of synergy and mutualization between the ten laboratories. LANEF was mainly focused on physics – condensed matter and nanoscience – and electrical engineering with a permanent opening and opportunities towards interdisciplinarity (chemistry, life science, health care, …), inter-LabEx collaborations (ARCANE, CEMAM, PERSYVALS, …), and towards startup, private companies or a R&D labs. Much of the LANEF success was coming from steering committee constituted by twenty local recognized experts with a collective and proactive attitude, and a deep knowledge on the labs expertise. They coach the projects prior to submission, and generate inside the steering committee a truly open discussion turning the diversity of the 10 labs and 4 institutions to an advantage.


Figure : Inside the project LabEx QuantAlps, the consortium is organized through five research axes, from fundamental to applicative, structured around their specific disciplines and the identification of several scientific and societal challenges.

In 2022, under the impulse of the UGA Presidency and through discussions between the whole UGA communities, a novel structuration of the fifteen UGA-LabEx has emerged taking into account novel synergy. Within the strong development of quantum science and technology in Grenoble, a novel LabEx QuantAlps’ project has been identified and submitted with objectives to discover and understand quantum effects at fundamental level, to master them, and to exploit them for new technological applications, remaining attentive to their societal impact within the framework of a sustainable innovation. The QuantAlps ecosystem associates 18 laboratories and four academic organizations (University Grenoble-Alpes, CNRS, CEA and INRIA). This community has recently been structured by the creation of the QuantAlps Federation, focused on animation, communication and coordination of interdisciplinary research on quantum sciences and technologies. Since the Federation and the novel LabEx project will work together with common goals, we decided to name both QuantAlps. In a similar way, the communities of the two Challenges “Electrical Energy” and “Sensors for Lifesciences and Healthcares” are actively participating to the construction of two new LabEx MateriAlps and Electrical Energy as well as a Federation between physics and life-science.