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Journée Scientifique Biomimétique pour la Reconnaissance, Région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes

Nous avons plaisir de vous annoncer la Journée Scientifique Biomimétique pour la Reconnaissance, Région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, qui aura lieu le jeudi 7 Décembre 2023 à Minatec, CEA-Grenoble.


Le programme :


9h00 : Welcome and coffee

9h30 – 9h40 : Introduction

9h40 – 10h15 : Eric Peyrin, DPM, CNRS/Univ. Grenoble Alpes

Aptaswitches for the design of small-molecule biosensors

10h15 – 10h35 : Mathilde Manceau, ISA, CNRS/Univ. Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Bacterial membrane nanosomes for screening B. cereus-specific aptamers by surface
plasmon resonance imaging

10h35 – 10h55 : Kuntheak Kheng, PHELIQS, CEA/ Univ. Grenoble Alpes
Hybrid plasmonic dimer assembled by DNA to enhance an emitter fluorescence

10h55 – 11h30 : Wilfrid Boireau, Institut FEMTO-ST, CNRS/Univ. Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
Nanobioanalytical investigations of extracellular vesicles: Analytical performance
requirements and application fields

11h30 – 11h50 : Christophe Moreau, IBS, CNRS/CEA/Univ. Grenoble Alpes
Membrane protein-based biosensors generating electrical signals

11h50 – 12h10 : Vanessa Escobar, SyMMES, CNRS/CEA/Univ. Grenoble Alpes
Biomimetic strategies in artificial olfaction

12h10 – 14h10 : Lunch and poster session

14h10 – 14h45 : Christophe Marquette, 3d.FAB, ICBMS, CNRS/Univ. Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Bioinspired hydrogels for regenerative medicine: bioprinting applications

14h45 -15h05 : Charlotte Vendrely, LMGP, CNRS/Grenoble INP/Univ. Grenoble Alpes
Protein self-assembly for bio-inspired adhesives

15h05 – 15h40 : Laurent Huex, CERMAV, CNRS/ Univ. Grenoble Alpes
Biobased materials and bioinspiration: the point of view of a physical chemist

15h40 – 16h00 : Elsa Migliorini, BRM, CNRS/CEA/Univ. Grenoble Alpes
Development of biomimetic platforms to decipher the role of glycosaminoglycans on
BMP2 signaling

16h00 – 16h20 : Marion Stalet, SyMMES, CNRS/CEA/Univ. Grenoble Alpes
Antimicrobial bioinspired surfaces design for exploring cell/surface interactions

End of event


Les posters sont les bienvenus.

Merci de vous inscrire avant le 6 Novembre pour des raisons logistiques.

Carole Chaix et Yanxia Hou-Broutin