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Research axes and tools

The aging of the population and the globalisation of the economy that increases the risk of pandemia are major challenges that our societies are facing. Early diagnostic and fundamental studies of biological processes are clues that our community are exploring to propose innovative solutions. Our challenge aims at developing innovative methods, devices and nanomaterials for applications in healthcare and fundamental studies at the frontier of biophysics, electronics, and nanomaterial sciences. Our methodology is interdisciplinary by bringing together the expertise from different partners covering Biosensors and actuators, Artificial sensors and organs, Nanomaterials for sensors and actuators related to healthcare and biology, Nano-Bio interfacing and Bio-hybrid nanostructures


Aurélie Dupont (Liphy)

Yanxia Hou-Broutin (IRIG/SyMMES)

Hervé Guillou (Institut Néel)

